Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Story- The Past

As a child I never had problems with my weight, I was actually very petite mainly because I played outside and had to be called inside to eat. As I matured I started to gain weight. By high school I was dieting with my mom. We did Weight Watchers, Atkins, and I even tried cleanses. I would cut carbs, eat on a particular meal plan, and even would stay abnormally low on my points all in the name to drop pounds. Normally, I actually dropped them well. But who would not drop pounds eating pork rind pancakes or lettuce wraps (which I still eat and actually enjoy).
Senior Prom with two of my best friends, I am in the middle.
College- My friend Jenny B.
Jump forward to college where I took diet pills, developed my artificial sweetener taste buds, and became active through running and dancing. Around this time I met my hubby and started planning our dream wedding. Due to stress with finishing college, planning a wedding, and moving 7 hours away the weight melted off of me. At this time I was 170, the smallest I remember being. Overall on my wedding day I knew that I still had to lose more weight, but I felt beautiful.
June 21, 2008- Me and my love.
Slowly, I started packing on weight. I tried to stay active around the house by unpacking stuff, working in the yard, etc. I watched my portions and tried to cook healthy. Nothing worked. During this time I noticed I easily became fatigued and if I sat down for too long I would fall asleep. 
1 year anniversary- We met building houses in New Orleans after Katrina, so we revisited the site.
In that first year together I am not sure how much I packed on, but I know I gained weight. During this time, I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It was a relief in some ways because I was concerned that if it was left unfixed then the likelihood of my body starting to attack itself was high. Being on medicine for it did not help the weight issue, it just allowed my body to function more properly. I am not always freezing cold or becoming easily fatigued.
 This is only the beginning of my story, come back tomorrow for the second half.
What is your story? What is your past? What will you make your future?
Much Love,

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