Sunday, January 15, 2017

I am back....

Hello! I apologize I have been gone forever! For the past couple of years I had a lot of work roles on my plate and while I loved them it did not allow for much time to blog. With some recent family needs I have stepped down from those roles which is allowing me more time with my family and more time to focus on my health, two very important things in my life.

Not teaching Summer School allowed me to hike to Clingman's Dome with my hubby and my momma.

Go to the Isle of Palms with my husband's family and get to see these two enjoy the beach.

It allowed me to spend some time with Baby C and do fun aunt things like the Sky Lift in Gatlinburg and take her on the tubing adventure of a lifetime, no seriously I lost my tube trying to help a little girl and got beat up by the rocks. Fun Times! I always have fun with her though and wait with baited breath to see what she says or does next.


 Not having so much on my plate has allowed me to focus more on my health and right before Christmas I got down to being 5 pounds away from my original Goal Weight, I got a little off track during Christmas and I am in a reverse so I am up a little. I will start cutting again in March to get ready for the summer. I am starting to lift weights more and have started following macros. I love following the macro diet lifestyle only because there are no "off limit foods" and I can tell my relationship with food is so much better.

Lifting and deadmills have made a dramatic difference in my pace with my 5ks. My pace used to be about 15 to 14 minutes per mile and this last race I ran was 10:24 and it was below 30 degrees during the entire run. I feel like this was great time, especially since I not only hate the cold but one minute I was cold because of the shade of the buildings and the next minute I was warm because I was out in the sun.


I feel like I not only smaller, but I feel so much stronger since the very first race. When I first started my journey I ran because it was convenient and personal, then I started some circuit classes, and now I do a mix of lifting, running, and my Saturday Body Sculpting Class. I feel like all this combined has made me a stronger person and is helping me to better reach my goal of better health.

As I move forward into 2017 I plan on keeping my health a priority and reaching my goals.

Jamie Lynn

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