Monday, February 6, 2017

Motivation Monday: Mess ups!

This was a rough couple of days food wise, I had too many crazy things going on and too many temptations. We had a Superbowl Party at work, doughnuts from Dippin' Donuts, and a student's mom brought doughnuts from their doughnut shop called Makers. Let me say that a year ago had I messed up with my calories or eaten outside of my restrictions you would find me giving up for a whole week and starting again on Monday. Then came the years that when I would let that whole day be a crap day filled with Nutella, peanut butter, chocolate, etc. anything I had deprived myself of during that time. It was a depressing cycle of deprivation, overindulging, penalizing restriction, and starting again.

Now, when I mess up I try not to let it all go down the drain. I try to take ownership of that mistake by logging the food or still measuring the food that goes into my mouth despite me being over on macros or calories. This is a lifetime journey, not just some monthly try to slim down goal. I want to be healthy the rest of my life and I may be crawling slowly towards my goals, but I am still progressing forward.

The picture on the left was June 2016 and the one on the right is from January 2017. While there is not huge differences between the two but I am down a pants size and there is more definition in my arms than there was before. If I had quit every time I was faced with a temptation or running too much, then I would not be where I am. I can only do the best I can with what time I have and since I have made my health a priority I will put what effort I can towards it, not letting lack of time or abundance of temptations keep me off track for too long.

I hope you have a great week filled with meeting your goals or making the best of the obstacles that are facing you!

Jamie Lynn 

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