Gloves: Achievefit sold by Drapers
Love them so far! They cover my whole hand and are of great quality leather. I do love the wrist wrap to give me extra support. I love how they fit my hands, we used the sizing guide to ensure they would fit. I also love the fact that my hands are not all sweaty when I take them off. Another plus was that they owner of the company e-mailed me several times to ask how I was liking them so far and asked me to keep them informed of the integrity, that says a lot.
Earphones: Treblab XR500 Bluetooth
I absolutely love the way that they fit into my ears, fit is a big problem for me with earphones. They have amazing ratings on Amazon and on the site that I purchased them from. They charge quickly and have a great charge. I selected this one because it does also have water resistance to a degree, which I wanted incase I get rained on when running. They also allow me to not have to carry my fanny pack around the gym!
Ring: Rinfit Silicon
I got hubby one by back a couple of months ago from Saferingz, but they did not have any that he wanted for me. He picked out this company because they were hypoallergenic and they had colors that I would like. I am really loving them because they are so comfortable, they fit under my gloves, and keep any "gym daddys" at bay. I am so excited about wearing these when we go hiking during the summer months and not worry about losing my ring.
Jamie Lynn
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