Monday, February 20, 2017

Motivation Monday: Me

Life has been crazy lately, not sure why exactly but it probably has to deal with juggling too many things. And then I had to go take a one day Valentine's Celebration and take it into a three day celebration. I overdid it for me, I had too many sweets and I had to rein myself back in. I loved eating it, but hated the sluggish feeling I was having. I am currently training for a half-marathon (I really just put that fully out there) and I need to be running more for it and all the carbs make me feel horrible.

So today's motivation for me to stay on track is fueling my body to train hard. Training hard in the gym and training hard on the asphalt requires lots of fuel. I want to grow my body, strengthen my body so that it can run those 13 plus miles with grace and ease.

Weekly Gym Selfie 2/17/2017

The half marathon is something that has been on my "Once in a Lifetime" list, I never thought I would run let alone want to try to run a half marathon. I made this goal a long time ago, got a little serious about it last summer, and now I am really planning on the half marathon and the trip around it.

Saying all that I know that I have to get my act together not only with the eating, but the training. I am currently having some IT Band and Hip Flexor issues and by not focusing properly on my training, my stretching, and rolling then how I am going to run it. If I am not putting myself first by taking time for my training and my eating how will my body heal everyday and run the race.

My focus this week for motivation will be am I eating to fuel my body and are my workouts supporting my upcoming goal of the race.

"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."
-Hebrews 12:1
Jamie Lynn

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